Title: “Sex with Kings”
Author: Eleanor Herman
My take: For me it was a slow starter, but in the end it’s a fun, light read.
Spoiler-free synopsis: Not much to say – Short snippets of history of the women behind the men on the thrones, and no, it’s not their wives.
Title: “A Viet Cong Memoir”
Author: Truong Nhu Tang
My take: Intense and engaging. Really worth a read.
Spoiler-free synopsis: A look into the other side of the Vietnam war and the events leading up to it, as well as its effect on an individual.
Title: “Counting Coup”
Author: Larry Colton
My take: My favorite of the three, a conversationally-written tale which I found really hard to put down.
Spoiler-free synopsis: The true story of a high schooler’s journey through her senior season – and the social pressures opposing her.