Thursday, January 24, 2013

Back to the scene of the crime

This year, one of my goals is to get back into the swing of writing, and not just 50 words here and there, or the 50k scramble that is NaNo, but to the tune of at least 3k words per week, to get back into the creative shape I used to have.

And you know what? It's been good so far.

Have you ever had something that you loved to do - some hobby or sports, some group you liked to hang out with, some music you enjoyed - and then somehow just lost contact with it? Ran out of time or money or energy to continue with it as you once did? And then came back to it months or even years later and had that feeling of "My gods, why did I ever stop?"

I'm having that feeling right now. I feel a little guilty, because time spent writing has cut into a lot of other things that I had been spending my time on, and I haven't had as much time lately to interact with friends on the internet. My video games are collecting dust. And I feel guilty, but not in a deep or bad way, just a "I hope I don't lose my connection with those things the way I once did with this. (Especially some of the internet friendships that are taking a backseat right now, since those people are good and important people in my life. I am trying to find non-game ways of keeping in touch with them, but that's easier for some than for others.)

Writing is still a slow process right now. Unless I specifically aim for it, I usually can't get more than 600-800 words a day. But its better than it used to be, and I'm having a blast.

Viva 2013!

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