Monday, March 18, 2013

Take four

I get unreasonably excited when a webcomic I follow comes out with another volume of print comics.

You would think, with it all available online, that I wouldn't need to bother, but the truth is, I think a lot of times the print version is just plain more fun to read. It's easier to keep my place if I read it over multiple days, I can take it anywhere (and yeah, yeah, I know mobile and all that, but you're talking to someone whose mobile devices are all video game consoles except for a 6-year-old cell)  and there's just something *nice* about the heft of a print book in my hands.

So, Gunnerkrigg Court Vol. 4 just completed on the web, which means the process will begin soon to get that book out. I love this series quite a lot, think it has some of the most interesting and best characterization on the web (which is what  keeps me reading things like OotS or Gunnerkrigg when others like PvP or Penny Arcade just never caught me). It's really well written. If you like stories, if you like good and interesting characters, then you won't go amiss by checking it out.

Also but unrelated, I also pledged to a kickstarter. Am looking forward to getting this comic, even though I think the writer is probably overselling how unique and challenging this is (as many independent comics creators do, in my experience). We'll see once it gets here.

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