Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Is this real life?

I don't read a lot of nonfiction. I've found a few that interest me and a few that sort of make me wonder what reality the writer is living in. But its been quite some time since something grabbed me the way King Peggy did.

As always, possible spoilers beyond the cut.

It's the story of a woman from the DC area who becomes the King of an African village, leading about 7000 people. It was pretty fantastic to see that while situations, beliefs, cultures and histories may be different, there are some things that are always the same. Unsurprisingly, corruption among the people in power is one of them.

The best thing about this book, really, was Peggy herself. Her attitude, her forthrightness, her hope for her people and her anger at those who betrayed them were so clear and biting and wonderful. I loved it!

The book was written by the same woman who wrote Sex with Kings, and it honestly made me want to go back and reread that one again. History of women is a fascinating topic to me, and their inclusion is always so limited in general history books.

Anyone have any recs for historical books about women?

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